November 23, 2021

Useful terminal sequences

"\033[2J" Clear the screen.

"\033[H" Move the cursor to the upper-left corner of the screen.

"\033[r;cH" Move the cursor to row r, column c. Note that both the rows and columns are indexed starting at 1.

"\033[?25l" Hide the cursor.

"\033[K" Delete everything from the cursor to the end of the line.

"\033[0m" Reset special formatting (such as colour).

"\033[30m" Black text.

"\033[31m" Red text.

"\033[32m" Green text.

"\033[33m" Yellow text.

"\033[34m" Blue text.

"\033[35m" Magenta text.

"\033[36m" Cyan text.

"\033[37m" White text.